Luke 1:26-38
Verse 38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.
All of us have heard this passage so many times since our youngest days that we may forget that the story isn’t about Mary or even Jesus at this point. Yes, Mary has a big part in this story but God is the one this is really all about. At this point in the story God is stirring the pot. The things the people of God have clung to for generations are about to be shaken to the point they will never be the same.
God chose a special virgin for His Promised One to be born from. It wasn’t that Mary was perfect or even more amazing than any other woman ever born. While she was the one chosen, it wasn’t because of anything she had done or not done. God had known Mary was going to be the one to carry Jesus since before the world began and now was the time to set the plan in motion.
Unlike most visits by angels, Gabriel didn’t start out telling Mary not to be afraid. He only brought out that line when she tried to understand why he had greeted her in the way he had. We have to admit it would be a bit off-putting to have an angel call us favored or special. She seems more bothered by his greeting than his presence.
Getting the news that she was going to become a mother brought her mind to her status. Though promised to Joseph, she had no idea when he was going to come to take her to be his bride. She was thinking of what she knew would be physically necessary for this to work out. She wanted to understand how this could happen before Joseph came for marriage. But Gabriel had answers to her questions, though they may have just raised other questions in her mind.
Gabriel was making sure Mary understood that it wasn’t up to her to make this miraculous thing happen. It wasn’t about her marrying Joseph, because God’s Holy Spirit was going to be the father of this baby boy. Making sure she understood how God had already proven Himself capable in the past but also He had done a mighty work for her relative, Elizabeth who was 6 months pregnant in her older age. God was working and Mary need not worry about the details. The thing that Mary could do, was surrender to His glorious plan.
Making It Personal
Have you ever wondered about how God was going to do something in your life? How willing are you to let Him work out the details in your life? How could giving God control of your life, change you?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you ever seen God do something which you didn’t think could be done? Why do you think God does things that He knows humans can’t do? Does that mean God doesn’t want you to do anything?
Closing Prayer
Father, a virgin pregnancy is a wonder only You could perform but there was so much more You were doing. Give us a desire to see You and the many wonders You do, so that we can know You in a deeper way. In Jesus’ name, amen.