East Martin Christian Reformed Church
What We Believe
East Martin CRC is a place where you can discover a living, loving God who cares for you and where you can experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ!
​Our vision at East Martin CRC is to be a part of the Body of Christ in which every member is a servant of the living and true God. We invite you to share in ministry in the following areas: Worship and Prayer, Education and Discipling, Service and Witness, and Care and Fellowship.
Links to doctrine and faith statements held by the Christian Reformed Church can be found here:
Location and Worship Times
The Church is located at 510 118th Ave., Martin, MI 49070
Take US-131 to the Martin exit (#55).
Travel east on 116th Avenue for 5.5 miles until you reach 5th St.
Turn North onto 5th Street- we are 1 mile north at the corner of 5th and 118th.
Sunday Worship Services
9:30 am and 6:00 pm
Prayer meetings
Sundays from 8am to 9am
Some events are held at the Anchor, which is located on
118th Ave just to the west of the East Martin Christian School
Elder and Deacon Districts 2022/23
District (Last Name)
A - DenBoer
Dendel - G. Leep
N. Leep - Rillema
Rook - VanderMeulen
VanElderen - Z
Tom Rook
Keith Smit
Dave Mejeur
Wayne Leep
Don Wubben
Scott Tuinstra
Ryan Tucker
Dean Wubben
Tim Westendorp
Jonathan Kalkman