East Martin Christian Reformed Church
Events Calendar

Who: All 4th - 8th grade boys
Leaders: Scott Tuinstra and Lincoln Norris, and Henry Tuinstra
Where: Meetings are at the Anchor unless otherwise specified
When: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month October - April
Group members can access the Cadets Facebook group through the icon at the top of this box. If you are not yet a member you can request access via email here.
Our group is for all young men ages 4th - 8th grade that are eager to learn about Jesus while having fun and learning their role in this world as Christian men!
Who: All 2nd - 8th grade girls
Leaders: Amy Kalkman, Jen Tuinstra, and Rebekah Westendorp
Where: Meetings are held in the church basement unless otherwise specified
When: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month September - April
Group members can access the GEMS Facebook group through the icon at the top of this box. If you are not yet a member you can request access via email here.
Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior is designed to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others. Every year we have a theme that we study throughout the season. Each week we have a Bible study on the theme and then we have either craft time or game time, and we close with a time of singing.
Senior High Youth Group
Who: All 9th -12th graders
Leaders: Libby Dendel and Melodie Norris
Where: The Anchor
When: 2nd and 4th Sunday at 7:30pm, September-May, with additional miscellaneous events in the summer and throughout the year.
We meet to enjoy food, have a devotional and maybe a game if time allows. We love to do regular activities such as bowling, sledding, pool parties, bonfires etc. We have fund raisers throughout the year to help pay for our Spring Break Serve Trip and other activities. Our fundraisers consist of the Thanksgiving Breakfast, Christmas Card Delivery Service, Pop Can Drives and various others throughout the year.
Our goal is to give high school students a fun and safe place to learn more about God, and enjoy time with friends, and to be better prepared to go out in the world as positive role models. We seek and prioritize putting the needs of others above our own and our theme verse is Philippians 2:3, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves."
Coffee Break

Who: Women of all ages may join this group
Leaders: Deb Smit with Sheri VanElderen and Denise Leep
Where: Meetings are held in the church basement
When: 9:45 - 11:am Wednesdays September through April
Join us for coffee, a light snack and fellowship followed by a Bible study. Nursery care is available when needed. Contact Deb here with any questions.
Young at Heart
Who: Anyone age 55 or older
Where: The Church's Fellowship Room
When: The third Thursday of the month, May through October, at 11:30 am with lunch being served at noon.
Join us for lunch and a time of fellowship. The committee appreciates knowing approximately how many are attending so please sign up in the narthex if possible.
Creative Stitching

Who: Women of all ages may join this group
Leader: Karen Misner
Where: In the church basement
When: 9:30 am - ?
Second Thursday of each month
If you like to craft, this is the group for you! We meet to work on our various craft projects - stitch, knit, crochet or whatever craft is your pleasure - while we fellowship. If you are interested or have questions contact Karen here.
The Anchor
The Anchor is the meeting place for many of our events and is located just to the west of EMCRC and the East Martin Christian School.
It is located at
518 118th Ave,
Martin, MI 49070