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We Exalt You!

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Psalm 145

Verse 21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise His holy name for ever and ever.

Today we finish our study of Psalm 145. We have seen the various things that David had to say about praising God and he concludes with a promise to keep praising.

Making the choice to praise the Lord comes in stages. We must of course come to understand the need to praise which comes from our learning who He is and seeing His worth. Then we come from seeing His worth to wanting Him to know that we understand He is worthy of praise. And finally we come to the point of knowing we must praise Him, even if in front of others.

David declares that his praising the Lord would not stop and made the point of saying that he isn’t going to be praising silently. He is going to speak praise with his mouth. Sadly many of us are afraid to praise Him out loud. We wonder what people will think of us if we speak up and we don’t want to make a name for ourselves like “Bible thumper.” We don’t want people to think we are odd and fear that they will start avoiding us.

One of the greatest fears we have in life is about what people think about us. We don’t want them to think poorly about us. Unfortunately we tend to be more concerned about what others think about us than we do about what God thinks of us. We are satisfied that He looks at us through the eyes of grace and so don’t give much more thought to what He thinks about our choices.

When we learn to praise in a way that others can see and hear our praise we can know that we aren’t alone. We see Him and see His creation. Creation bursts with praise for Him. The flowers can’t keep themselves from growing up towards heaven and opening in all their glory. The birds of the air sing His praises day after day, not allowing the weather to keep them from knowing His goodness.

He is worthy of our praise and we should be exalting Him every day. There is no one like our God and no one more worthy of our worship. Let’s exalt Him!

Making It Personal

What have learned about exalting? How are you applying your knowledge of praise to your life? How has praise changed your view of the Lord?

Making It Personal Kids

Have you learned anything new about praising Jesus? What are some of the ways that you praise Jesus? What can you praise Him for today?

Closing Prayer

Father, we praise You. There is no one worthy of such praise. Father, please help us keep our focus clearly on You so that we can never miss a reason to exalt You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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East Martin Christian Reformed Church

510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

© 2017 East Martin CRC

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