Matthew 26:14-16
Psalm 41:9 Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread, has turned against me.
We mentioned the other day how hard it is to be betrayed by a dear friend, this betrayal by Judas was of the cruelest kind as it was a betrayal of Jesus as a friend and Jesus as God.
Jesus knew that He would be betrayed by one close to Him. He even knew that it would be Judas and yet He still chose him as one of the 12 disciples. We may ask ourselves how someone that had been that close to Jesus could do such a thing, and why would He allow it? His half-brothers seem like a more obvious choice to sell Him out. There could be various reasons for His going along with Judas for this but the easy answer is that it was prophesied.
If the betrayer had been among Jesus’ brothers it may not have looked such a painful betrayal as siblings often are at odds with each other throughout the whole of Scripture and history. It is also true that to have the betrayer be among His closest served a two-fold purpose going forward – His being able to sympathize with our painful betrayals and that knowledge doesn’t equal salvation.
Part of Jesus’ mission on earth was to show us that He understands us as His creation. He went through various things that allows Him to be compassionate to our struggles. Being fully physical He experienced pains that we have experienced, a stubbed toe or maybe a sprained ankle, a headache and maybe even a stomach ache. He knows the things we go through and helps us through them.
The pain of this betrayal is deep. He wasn’t just losing His friend for this lifetime, He knew the loss was eternal. Judas may have regretted what he had done to Jesus (seen when he takes the money back to the leaders) but he never repented. Some betrayals are never reconciled because one side doesn’t want it. Jesus may have grieved a little for His friend but He also knew that Judas wasn’t one of His own, given from the Father, or he would have repented. Judas knew Jesus as a person just like the other disciples but he didn’t know Jesus as his savior.
Having read about this betrayal we need to evaluate ourselves and see if we are the Christ betraying kind. We can be sure that Judas didn’t start out as Jesus’ disciple thinking that he would be the one to send the Messiah to death. We need to be aware of what actions or words we use that could be causing others to miss Him as the Savior.
Making It Personal
Have you ever betrayed Christ? What steps do you take to make sure that you are living in a way that magnifies Him? Who around you needs to know the truth of Christ?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you ever done something to hurt Jesus? How can you make choices that make Jesus happy? Who do you know that needs to know how wonderful Jesus is?
Closing Prayer
Father, forgive us the times that we have betrayed You in word or deed. Give us hearts that seek to reveal Your majesty to the masses. We never want to appear ashamed of You. In Jesus’ name, amen.