Hebrews 5:11-14
Verse 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.
While there has been an increase in popularity of protein drinks, it is still true that the majority of growing children and adults eat foods which require chewing. Whether it is a juicy steak done to taste, a nice garden salad or mac and cheese, our teeth were made for chewing and we like to get them working with many savory treats. Since we are fond of eating real food instead of drinking every meal why is it that we can be so willing to drink when it comes to spiritual food?
It is good to sit in the pew on Sunday and soak in the sermon. We sit there like baby birds with our spiritual mouths open for the food which is already “chewed” up for us. Of course it is good to listen and learn from our pastor as God has gifted him for the purpose helping us gain knowledge and conviction which will help us grow in our faith, but we must remember that isn’t the only way we are to gain knowledge.
We mentioned yesterday how we may need to take a bigger responsibility of our spiritual growth than we have in the past. Gaining knowledge is one of those areas of our lives where we should take responsibility. We eat more than one or two meals a day so why do we think we are good with only one or two spiritual meals a week? Are we really satisfied with that?
We need to ask ourselves why we lack in appetite for the Lord and His ways. We can find the things of the world so enticing and distracting but we won’t be so easily distracted by things when we are hungry for Him and His teachings. We need to learn to crave Him. Just as after months of eating healthier there are some things which we used to partake of which no longer taste good to us, when we decide to spend more time learning the things of the Lord instead of saturating our lives with the things of the world, we will come to find the things we used to enjoy don’t satisfy as they once did.
If we are to grow past the basics of the Christian faith, we need to start a steady diet of God’s Word. Not just once or twice a week but a filling of His teachings so we can know Him in an ever deepening way. Finding the joy of knowing and obeying will become so satisfying we will wonder why it took us so long to seek Him to this depth.
Making It Personal
What are your Bible reading habits? Would you survive if you ate as seldom as you read and study the Bible? What needs to change in your life to have a healthy spiritual diet?
Making It Personal Kids
How often do you read your Bible or listen to someone reading it to you? Do you ask questions so you can understand it better? How much do you want to know about Jesus?
Closing Prayer
Father, we confess we haven’t been as faithful in growing spiritually as we should. Please give us an ever-growing love for Your Word so we can see how You want to change us. In Jesus’ name, amen.