Psalm 145
Verse 4 One generation commends Your works to another; they tell of Your mighty acts.
In today’s portion of the journey we look at the broader aspect of praise, because it isn’t all about us.
One reason that we need to be intentional about how we praise is because of those that are influenced – either positively or negatively – by our acts and words of praise. A praising person is one that others are drawn to because a praising person is not a complaining person. It is impossible to complain and praise at the same time.
Just as singing a song will lift us out of the dumps, praising –whether in song or in words – will set our hearts back on the right path. When those around us can see how looking to the Lord with praise changes how we view our situation, they won’t be able to help themselves from wondering what about God can bring such peace and contentment even in the hardest times.
Some of the most important people in our sphere of influence are our children and grandchildren. If they see us complaining all the time, they won’t understand the goodness of God. Complaining is actually proof of self-worship and if that is what we are living out in front of the younger people in our lives, then they will learn that God doesn’t matter to us and that must mean He isn’t worth their time.
On the other hand if we are praising God for even the smallest details in life, they will learn that He is the giver of every good thing. When they observe us praising God for that cute little caterpillar they will take away from the experience that God did a good job creating even the fun-looking critters in life. When we can praise God together for the sunset we will know they are learning that God is the creator of all things and that He alone deserves the praise of our hearts.
Showing the next generation the need of praising the Lord is not just about us and them but also the future generations. Our children won’t show the grandkids about praising God if we haven’t shown them and in turn the grandchildren can’t pass on what they haven’t learned. We owe God more than our praise, He deserves the praise of the generations.
Making It Personal
How open are you about praising God? Do those around you know about the God you serve? How have you passed on a love of praise to the future generations?
Making It Personal Kids
What does praise look like? Have you ever seen your mom, dad or other adults praise Jesus? Who could you praise Jesus with to show them He is important?
Closing Prayer
Father, You are worthy, not just for our generation but for all the generations to come. Give us the courage needed to praise You in front of the kids in our lives so that they can see the truth of You. In Jesus’ name, amen.