Copyright by Freedom in Christ, used with permission.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Can you be partly a new creation and partly an old one? It certainly feels like it doesn’t it? I mean, we so often make the wrong choices and don’t feel very holy so it’s easy to come to the conclusion that, although we may be becoming a new creation, we’re not there yet.
However, the truth is far more profound. The truth is that, if you’re a Christian, you are already a completely brand new creation. The old you is dead. Your inner person has been completely transformed! If you still think of yourself as a sinner – saved by the grace of God, yes, but still a sinner, then what are you likely to do? Sin! But the fact is that the old you is dead and gone, and so your relationship with sin is totally transformed. The power of sin over you is broken, and though we do still slip up from time to time, we are not bound to sin. It is not inevitable.
We’ve all tried to behave differently, but how long does that really last? One of the fundamental principles in this course is that the Christian life is not primarily about how you behave, but what you believe. The key is knowing the truth – choosing to believe the truth even when it doesn’t feel true – which then works out into our behavior.
Choose to believe today that you are already a brand new creation, even if you don’t feel like one.