Ephesians 6:10-17
Verse 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Many of us learned the various pieces of the Armor of God when we were kids. What we may not have understood was how the passage about the Armor is a summary of sorts for the whole book of Ephesians. This letter from the Apostle Paul to the believers is Ephesus was a letter from a dear friend to a group of people who held a special place in his heart. Almost like a pastoral letter to a special church from early in a pastor’s ministry, this letter tries to impart wisdom and clarity on things he really wants his friends to grasp.
It is possible this church was started by Paul’s friends, Priscilla and Aquila after Paul sailed there with them as he neared the end of his second missionary journey. When he came through on his third missionary journey he stayed for 3 years and helped them firmly establish the Ephesian Church. It would have its challenges as the city was busy port city at the crossroads of the known world.
Ephesus was known for its religious temple for the goddess Artemis (also known as Diana) as well as being a center for political, commercial and educational possibilities. The city was busy and the Church needed to remember what it meant to be true to the faith in the midst of all these outside influence, much like the Church of today.
Paul cared so much for these people, when he was on his way back to Jerusalem at the end of his third mission trip he knew he would never see them again and couldn’t bring himself to go back to the city so instead asked the elders of the church to meet him at the marina so he could give them some further advice. This letter was written with the same heart for the Church. He cared for them and needed them to know it.
The excitement the believers must have had when this letter was read by the leaders. They would have listened with eagerness to know what he was wanting to instruct them about. Because of his time spent with them this would have seemed like such a personal correspondence. Because they were living in this city they would have understood his concern for them but they may have needed a boost at standing strong in the midst of the world around them. That is why Paul knew they needed the Armor of God.
Making It Personal
Have you ever had a pastor or spiritual mentor you really admired? How much did it mean to you when they gave you wisdom to live by? Do you pass on that wisdom?
Making It Personal Kids
Who is someone who has taught you about Jesus that you look up to? Why do you look up to them? Do you live in a way so those younger than you can look up to you?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for putting people in our lives to help us grow spiritually. Give us wisdom to know who to listen to and who is not from You. And help us look for people we can help grow. In Jesus’ name, amen.