Psalm 100
Verse 3 Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Praise is defined as expressing approval or admiration. By definition, to praise someone takes at least a surface knowledge of them. It stands to reason that if someone is worthy of our praise that the more we know them, the deeper the praise. It is with this thought that we start our study of pure praise.
Our key verse today starts by saying “Know that the LORD is God.” Notice this verse has the LORD is all in caps. LORD, when spelled this way in Scripture, is referring to Jehovah, the God known as the God if the Israelites. This is the God that was known as the One that conquered enemy nations as the Israelites moved into the Promised Land. He was feared by non-Israelites sometimes more than He was by His own people. This verse is saying that Jehovah is the real God! This is the God that we, as Christians, claim to worship too, but how much do we worship Him? Do we know Him well enough to woship Him properly?
If we want to worship God in the way He deserves to be worshiped, then we need to get to know Him on a personal level. How do we get to know Him? We need to be in the Bible learning about Him. The Bible is often read with attention given to the various characters that God used to work out His plans but we don’t often read the Bible to see what God is up to. If we are wanting to praise Him as He deserves to be praised then we are going to have to get to know Him for who He truly is.
We also know that God didn’t work just in ancient times. As we get to know Him for who He is we will start seeing Him more and more in our daily lives. So join us as we dig deeper into who He is, so we can worship Him better.
Making It Personal
What does your worship of God reveal about how you think about Him? What ways do you feel like you should know Him better? What is one way you are going to work on getting to know Him better?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you ever had someone praise you for something that you have done? Have you ever praised God for something He has done? Today try to find 5 things to thank God for something He has done. Maybe a happy bird or a fun looking cloud. Make a list and share it with your family at dinner.
Closing Prayer
Father, You are God! You are the One who created everything and You decided to create each of us too. Help us to learn more about You so we can worship You better. In Jesus’ name, amen.