Copyright by Freedom in Christ, used with permission.

In Session 1 of the Freedom In Christ Course today we will be looking at the crucially important question of our identity. Who do we think we are? Who does the Bible say we are? And are those two things the same?
So, who are you? How do you define yourself? How do you introduce or describe yourself to other people? And can you think of any ways God describes you in His Word?
Ask God to reveal His truth to you about your true identity in today’s session.
Here is a poem written by someone who has been through The Freedom In Christ Course and who was changed by the truth that will be taught in today’s session:
Who Am I?
Who am I that You should die to take away my sin?
Who am I that You’d take the time to change me from within?
Who am I that You should pour Your Spirit into me?
Who am I that You would give Your power to set me free?
I am small and I am weak and often I am wrong
I’m sometimes proud and sometimes shy and feel like I don’t belong
I’m forgetful and impatient, stubborn and strong-willed
I avoid the things that I should do and end up unfulfilled
The world has called me “stupid,” “fat,” and “lazy,” “waste of space”
And I’ve taken on these labels and forgotten of Your grace
I’ve bought the lies that hurt me. By the world I’ve been defined
Forgetting You are shaping me. That in Your love I’ve been refined
But through it all You love me, You call me by my name
It breaks Your heart to see me, bound by guilt and shame
You urge me to let go of all my fears and selfish pride
To walk each day in Your light and in Your love abide
You whisper, “You’re My precious child. Find yourself in Me.
Forget those other labels. I’ve come to set you free.
You’re accepted, you’re forgiven, you’re loved, you are My friend
And I will never leave you. I’ll be with you til the end.
We can make a difference. Help the world to know My love
I’ve given you My spirit, power from up above
I’ll walk each moment with you. Be My hands and feet
The lost and lonely need Me. Evil will retreat.
I trust you with My legacy. I’ll keep you in My will
We’ll battle through together, and sometimes just be still.
I’ve loved you more than you could know, since before the world began
Help Me fill the God-shaped void in the heart of every man.”
