Genesis 3:8-10
Verse 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
There are many aspects and types of prayers. We can pray when things are bothering us, we are thankful for what He is doing in our lives, when we see friends or family who are struggling we know we can pray for them and when we need something only He can bring, we can come before His throne with the needs we have. We can pray in a specific place or no specific place at all. We can pray aloud or we can pray silently. We can pray by ourselves and we can pray with others. We just need to pray.
We mentioned yesterday how the discipline of prayer should come easy to us all on some level because we all like to talk about ourselves and the things we want in life, but why does that seem so much harder in prayer? While we mentioned a few yesterday there is one reason which could be the actual issue, we are out of practice.
When God created Adam and Eve He set up a time to meet with them daily. They were used to talking to Him because it was a part of their daily life. Once humanity was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, humans started to lose touch with that kind of communion with the Lord. 7 generations into humanity Enoch was taken from this life because he walked with God (Genesis 5:23-24). The way it is told in Scripture makes it seem like he was the only one walking with God at the time. In only 7 generations the humans had forgotten the importance of talking with the Creator.
Prayer hasn’t gained much with humanity since those days. Sure there are those who still understand the importance of prayer but for many it isn’t much more than a whispered prayer here or there when things go out of our control. There isn’t anything we can’t talk with Him about and there is no wrong time to talk. He doesn’t sleep and so there is no wrong time to call on Him. And because He loves us, He will listen.
So how do we start this habit of talking to Him? Well, as with anything it takes beginning. Taking the time to meet with Him and opening our hearts and mouths to tell Him what is on our hearts and minds. Like any good relationship, it starts with a conversation. Let’s start the conversation.
Making It Personal
What types of conversations do you have with God? How frequent are the conversations? Do you talk with Him more than once a day?
Making It Personal Kids
What kinds of prayers do you pray? Do you pray every day? Do you talk to Jesus more than once a day?
Closing Prayer
Father, we know we don’t talk with You as often as we should. Thank You for being patient with us as we learn to communicate with You faithfully and meaningfully. In Jesus’ name, amen.