Ephesians 6:1-4
Verse 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Today the rank we are talking about is one of the most important and influential of all the ranks. In a society where fathers are viewed as optional we see Paul showing the significance of a man of God to be leading his home. While these verses apply to parents as a whole, Paul specifically used the word “fathers” so his readers would know he was addressing the male parent.
Dads are important to the family and the Church. They have a heavy responsibility of loving their wives as the Church as well as training their children to know, love and obey the Lord. The truth is, dads have a lot on their shoulders. They have the responsibility of leading, providing and protecting their family and a godly man takes all three of those things very seriously. God created men for these things and His desire is they draw from His strength.
Because of everything they are dealing with it makes sense that they can get frustrated and like any of us humans, when we are frustrated we can tend to get snappy with people. Paul is reminding his readers who are fathers to keep themselves in check. Yes, they may be frustrated by their children not obeying but they need to watch their attitudes to make sure they are aligning with that of God the Father.
On the other side of this issue Paul is addressing is the father who is so hard-nosed and demanding his children get frustrated trying to obey because the rules and/or responsibilities being placed on the child are too much for them. That may mean they aren’t age appropriate rules or responsibilities, or the rules are so complex the child is confused as to what is really being asked of them or keep they changing.
As the ultimate example of a father, God has shown how to be patient with disobedient children but not soft allowing his children to make a mockery of His name. God demands obedience from all of His army and we should obey because we love Him and we know He only has our good in mind. Just as any earthly father puts forth rules out of his love for his children, God gives us commands because of His great love for us.
Making It Personal
What does it mean to you that God is your father? Do you believe He has your best interest in mind? How does He discipline you?
Making It Personal Kids
What do your parents do that causes you to be frustrated? Have you asked them about why they do it that way? Should you obey even when you don’t like what you are being told to do?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for being such a great Father. Help us want to obey because we love You. May we be the people You have called us to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.