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Tough Love

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Matthew 18:15-20

Verse 16  But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’


    Sometimes forgiveness in the family of God requires getting others involved.  This isn’t something we should take lightly.  This passage talks about dealing with sin in the church and so though it doesn’t deal directly with forgiveness, there are times when forgiveness calls us to make another person’s sin known.  Jesus was clear in His teaching how we are to go about that.  It isn’t about telling everyone else about what has been done but to go to the person who has sinned.  When that sin is done against us by another Christian, we may need to address the situation instead of simply forgiving it so it doesn’t become a problem for the whole Church.


    We mentioned yesterday how not addressing sin in the Church can reflect on the whole Church and Jesus as well.  When someone sins in a way which causes us personal pain, we need to deal with it so we don’t find it becoming a problem in our spiritual life or the life of the church.  But in the same way it may be hard for us to be called out on a sin which hurt someone else, they may not be willing to listen to our calling them out.


    When the person being called out doesn’t want to accept what is being addressed, Jesus said to take another person with you to address it a second time.  It is best if the one or two people you take with you are not your best friends who are just coming to take your side, but those who want to see reconciliation.  These should be people you can both trust and are biblically sound.


    If that doesn’t resolve the situation Jesus gives another step of taking it to the church.  This doesn’t mean we should start gossiping during fellowship time, Bible studies, or prayer times.  This is the perfect time to meet with a church elder.  They have taken a vow to help the spiritual lives of the congregation and that includes dealing with sins among the members.


    The major thing of this process though is to make sure your heart is in the right place.  It can’t be about making the other person pay for what they have done to you, it has to be a way of loving the brother or sister in Christ enough to help them without wanting anything from them in return.  It has to be gone through because you have already forgiven them.  If you haven’t already forgiven them, your motives may not be right.


Making It Personal

    Have you ever confronted someone about their sin?  Has anyone confronted you about your sin?  How do you react when someone points out sin in your life?


Making It Personal Kids

    Has anyone told you they know of a sin in your life?  Have you ever told anyone about a sin in their life?  What should you do if someone tells you about a sin in your life?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank You for putting us in a Church family where we can hold each other accountable.  Help us have humble hearts, ready to receive any correction that is given in Your name.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


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East Martin Christian Reformed Church

510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

© 2017 East Martin CRC

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