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Toddlers of the Family

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Matthew 28:1-18

Verse 6  “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”


    While this passage isn’t focused on loving each other, it does give us poignant reminder that it isn’t all about loving the adults of the Church family.  In these days, just as much if not more as in days gone by, we need to be loving the younger members of the Church family.  As much as we struggle with our society we can know our younger people are struggling as well.


    While some of our children are blessed with being in a Christian environment more than some their own age, it doesn’t matter what kind of school they go to they are going to be exposed to some things we wish we could shelter them from.  Whether it is on the TV, internet, or even walking through the store they are bound to encounter something which goes against the Lord.


    Since they are part of our Church family, how do we love these young ones?  One thing we need to remember is that when these little ones were baptized or the slightly older ones made profession of faith, we made vows as a congregation to help them grow spiritually through our prayers, encouragement and love.  It is easy to say we love them but are we really showing them love through our actions and prayers?


    The truth of the matter is that unless we are getting to know them on a personal basis, we aren’t going to know how best to encourage them.  Kids need to know we care by knowing we see them and sometimes that is as simple as knowing their names.  Yes, it may be hard to remember their names if we only see them on Sunday mornings, but if we make the effort, over time we will learn their names and maybe even little bits and pieces about them which could open up some conversations and maybe even intergenerational friendships.


    Friendly relations make it easier to relate to others in the love of Christ and when we truly learn to love others who aren’t in our age group, we may find ourselves growing too.


Making It Personal

    How purposeful are you about showing love to the youngest members of the Church family?  Was there an adult who befriended you as a child in the church?  Who do you need to befriend today?


Making It Personal Kids

    Do you try to get to know some of the older people at church other than your family?  Are there certain people who you connect with more?  What makes them easy to connect with?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank You for placing us in larger families with people who can love us because they love You.  Teach us to truly love those who aren’t in the same age bracket we are in.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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East Martin Christian Reformed Church

510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

© 2017 East Martin CRC

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