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  • Writer's pictureEast Martin CRC

Taking a Taste

1 Peter 2:1-3

Verse 3  …now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.


    Walking those three years with Jesus, Peter had gotten a good taste of what it meant to live like Him.  He had likely learned how to discern between a person who was going through the motions and those who were worshiping from the heart.  This bold disciple had seen how Jesus addressed the heart problems of those who thought they were being faithful to God but were proving by their words and actions it wasn’t as true as they believed.


    Just as someone who deals with money regularly can tell the difference between a real bill and a counterfeit bill, when we get to know Jesus on a more personal level will know fake worship and knowledge in our own lives.  This is part of the necessity of study, when we read a passage which points out something in our life which doesn’t align with the Lord.  This is the benefit of growing in our faith and studying so we can know truth.


    In verse 2 of our passage today Peter shows an important component of our learning.  We mentioned the other day about how the various levels of study can be more enjoyable than others.  No matter the level of pleasure we get from the reading and studying of the Bible unless we crave it, we will likely not care if we miss a day or two or maybe a week, but the more we skip the less we will feel close to Him.


    This passage also shows a few things which we should want to put out of our lives if we are in close fellowship with the Lord.  The closer we become to Him the more these things in life will lose their hold on us.  We will find malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander don’t come as easy to us as they once did because our love of the Father is greater than any satisfaction we would get from allowing those sins into our lives.


    There should be no doubt in our hearts or minds that the amount of work the Lord does in our lives coincides closely to the amount of Bible study we are doing.  Not that He is rewarding us for putting in the time and effort to study but by seeking Him we will see the truth about ourselves in the light of who He is.


Making It Personal

    Have you found the Lord to be satisfying?  What sin have you learned to put behind you?  Are you growing in your desire to study the Bible?


Making It Personal Kids

    Do you notice feeling more excited about spending time with Jesus the more you read the Bible?  How does knowing Him more make you feel about sin?  Do you want to be more like Jesus?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank you for giving us a taste of what it means to be holy.  Continue growing our love of You and Your Word and maturing us in our faith.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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