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Skipping Town

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Matthew 2:13-18

Verse 13  When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.  “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.  Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”


    We saw yesterday how God had brought the guests from afar to come and worship the young Jesus and to bring Him gifts.  While gold, frankincense and myrrh seem like odd gifts to bring a young boy it was exactly what they would need.  Though symbolistic of what His life would be, the gifts would help the family in the next chapter of their story.


    We don’t know if the wise men had been warned before they left Joseph and Mary’s house or not so we don’t know if the young parents had any inkling about what was coming next before Joseph was awaken with the dream to go to Egypt immediately.  They likely went to bed still feeling the excitement of the visit with the visitors from the east.  They may have struggled falling asleep or maybe they were worn out from the visit and fell fast asleep quickly.


    In the middle of the night Joseph had one of those dreams which make us sit straight up in bed.  One thing that was different about his dream was that he knew it was a command from the Lord and that it needed to be obeyed immediately.  Joseph understood the urgency of the matter and didn’t wait for morning even though that seemed like a more logical travel time and would give Mary more time to get things around for the trip.


    Can’t you just imagine the scene of Joseph waking Mary and telling her they were moving to Egypt before daybreak?  A groggy Mary trying to decide if she was dreaming or if her husband was truly trying to wake her up and telling her they were moving their small family before breakfast.  The parents hurried to gather all that was needed for the journey and picked up the young Jesus and made haste to leave town.


    While traveling at night was not the safest form of travel, nor was it seen as safe to travel in such a small group and yet Joseph knew from the warning that it was the safest option and God would see them through.  God had told him in the middle of the night after all.  If God had wanted them to travel with others who could then pass on the word to the authorities, He would have sent them during the day.


Making It Personal

    When have you felt the need to obey God instantly?  Have you obeyed right away or did you stall?  What do you need to obey Him about today?


Making It Personal Kids

    Do you like to obey as soon as you are asked?  What are some of the dangers of not obeying quickly?  What do you need to obey about right now?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank You for guiding us for our protection.  Give us the hearts of surrender and trust that we need to be able to obey You immediately.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

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