Genesis 41:1-16
Verse 16 “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”
We mentioned yesterday that Joseph didn’t interpret the cupbearer and chief baker’s dreams for personal gain and while that was true he did ask the cupbearer to remember him when he was released so that Joseph could be released too since he hadn’t done anything wrong. The cupbearer was so excited to have the interpretation be right that he totally forgot his promise to Joseph and didn’t remember for two years.
For two years Joseph continued faithfully serving in the palace prison. He didn’t know when God would get him out of there but he held firm to his belief in the Almighty. It wasn’t that God wasn’t moving, He just wasn’t moving on the timeline Joseph had hoped for. Remember, Joseph was in this position through no choice of his own. He had been sold by his brothers and then imprisoned because of his not giving into his boss’s wife.
After those 2 years Pharaoh had a couple of dreams and was bothered by them. When none of his interpreters could give him the understanding he desired the cupbearer, suddenly remembered Joseph. Having been in prison for a couple of years Joseph was probably happy to clean up, shave and change clothes even if it meant going before Pharaoh. He was ready because he knew it wasn’t up to him to know the meaning, it was God’s business.
Once again God was seeing the big picture and arranging things according to His time table. Had he still been in Potiphar’s house, Joseph wouldn’t have been in the prison to interpret the dreams of the cupbearer and baker and Pharaoh may never have known him. But God wanted the ruler to know Joseph so God’s people would have the connection they needed to bring them to Egypt for the duration of the famine.
These dreams Pharaoh had weren’t just for the ruler’s information. Joseph was also being given a glimpse at what God was doing in the upcoming 14 years. As Pharaoh heard the interpretation he knew that Joseph was who he needed in charge of managing this crisis. Had Joseph not just endured those last years of frustration, he wouldn’t be where he needed to be when God was ready to move forward with His plan.
Making It Personal
When have you struggled with God’s timing? How did His timing turn out to be better than yours? Where are you frustrated about His timing today?
Making It Personal Kids
Is waiting hard for you? Why don’t you like waiting? Why does God make you wait sometimes?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for being in complete control. Give us hearts which desire to submit to You and Your timing. In Jesus’ name, amen.