Hebrews 6:1-3
Verse 1 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God,
When someone is a new Christian we understand their lack of knowledge about the things of the Lord, but when they have been in the faith a bit longer we expect them to be learning more about the Lord and His Word. We say it is important for a baby to eat well so it can grow strong and healthy, and we know teenagers are almost always ready to eat, but as we age food may become less tempting. Sadly the same can be said about our spiritual lives.
While we know we should keep growing in our spiritual lives it is so easy to become complacent or down-right neglectful of further learning about the Lord and His ways. Somehow we convince ourselves that we know enough and there is no reason to continue learning. We don’t spend time in the Word daily because we think we know all we need to know.
This was what the writer of Hebrews seemed to know about his readers. This letter wasn’t written because only its readers had this issue. The Lord knew many of us would struggle with this issue or He wouldn’t have had this passage for our correction. One of the things we need to ask ourselves is why we aren’t more willing to grow in the depth of our relationship with God. What holds us back from wanting to know Him in an ever-deepening way?
It could be that we are spiritually lazy or maybe our sin is more enticing to us than the things of the Lord. Maybe our friends aren’t growing closer to Him and so we don’t see a need to ourselves. We know the basics and that is the most important part of the knowledge, isn’t it? But why would we stop there? What if we stopped getting to know our family members or spouse once we knew their name, occupation, eye color, and other such basic information? Would our relationships thrive?
This is why we need to know what basic knowledge is and continue learning the deeper facets of the One who holds our heart. During this study we will identify the things we should all know and things we should be learning.
Making It Personal
How would you rank your knowledge about the Lord and His ways? Would the Lord rank your knowledge the same way? How much do you desire to know Him better?
Making It Personal Kids
How much do you know about Jesus? Are there still things to learn about Him? Are you trying to learn more about Him?
Closing Prayer
Father, it’s true we sometimes settle for what we already know instead of trying to get to know You more. Give us a desire to get to know You in a bigger, more personal relationship. In Jesus’ name, amen.