Romans 12:14-16
Verse 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Part of loving others is living in harmony with them. This doesn’t mean we are on the same page about everything in life but rather using our differences for the higher good. We don’t need knowledge in musical theory to know when a choir or vocal ensemble are missing harmony, we inwardly cringe for them and wish we had earplugs with us. The same unsettling feeling can come over us when we are in a situation where there is relational discord.
We had started out this discussion about loving one another with Jesus’ words in John 13:35 where He said we would be known as His through our love for one another. Just as disharmony causes us to shy away, when there is discord among the family of God, the world draws back from the people of God. Let’s face it, when we lack harmony with one another, we draw away from one another.
One of the first things members of a vocal ensemble learn is how to blend their voices by making sure individuals don’t try to make themselves known over the voices of the others. If one member tries to make sure their part is heard above the others, the whole ensemble with suffer. Harmonizing requires blending well and if one person raises their voice the others would have to as well to make sure they were still in unison and if they aren’t careful it can become a competition.
The same can sometimes become true in the Church. Instead of working together to bring the good news of the Gospel to the world, different churches can act as if it is a race to see who can get the most people into the pews or onto the membership list. But the Christian life is more than just church life, and so there is more to living in harmony than working together at sharing the Gospel.
To live in harmony also means getting along with those around us, not trying to outshine each other in service or knowledge, but not trying to do as little as possible either. When each of us do our part, humbly and from a heart of love, we will be building the kingdom and making Him known. This is what we are to be about as His ambassadors, and living in harmony with one another will go a long way in making the joy of His kingdom a reality.
Making It Personal
Do you see yourself as a competitive Christian? What tends to cause the greatest strife between you and other believers? What do you need to do to help build the relationship?
Making It Personal Kids
Do you try to make people see you as better than others? Why do you think you are better than some people? How can trying to work well with others show people you love Jesus?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for this reminder that life isn’t about us but rather about You and Your kingdom. Help us to live in harmony with other believers so the world will see Your love through our love for each other. In Jesus’ name, amen.