Joshua 6:1-23
Verse 20 When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.
While God did many things in the time of the Israelites in the wilderness, we are going to take a time jump forward to another one of the times God showed His great power and attention to detail. This is another one of those stories we all know by heart as we have heard and read it many times, but let’s take the time to think about it a little deeper than surface.
This was pretty much a whole new batch of Israelites except for a small number who were quite young in the wilderness. Their leader was one of the few who had been alive throughout the wilderness adventure and God had now placed him as the leader of His chosen people. They had now crossed into the Promised Land and had lost their manna privileges as they had plenty to glean from this new homeland.
We mentioned the other day how God had waged a war on Egypt with the plagues and today’s story shows God waging another unorthodox war. This time He wants His people involved in the most unusual way, marching silently. It doesn’t get much more basic than marching and yet the instructions from the Lord were not normal military guidelines.
Those first six days of marching around must have been a bit unnerving for those in the city as they were already concerned about the Israelites because of hearing how God had opened the Red Sea for them. The people of Jericho were barred in, with no one going in or out. This must have been quite stressful for them. On the other hand those marching around, as well as those watching from camp, would have been given 6 days to think about God and His might.
Then came the big day, at first it may have seemed like the others to the people in the city but when they started around the second time the stress level must have risen. Then the noise of the trumpets and shouts of the people followed immediately by the rumble and falling of all the walls of this well-fortified city. All the walls that is except for Rahab’s wall, as the spies had promised, she and all in her home were safe. Not only was she saved but she was saved with a purpose, to be in the family tree of the coming Messiah. God never missed an opportunity to show what He would do for His people and how He was invested in the promise He had made to Adam and Eve.
Making It Personal
When have you struggled to understand God’s instructions? Are there times you find it hard to obey because you don’t understand why He wants you to do that? What is the most important thing to remember about obeying Him?
Making It Personal Kids
Do you always understand why mom and dad tell you to do something a certain way? Do you obey them anyway? Are there any rules from God that you don’t understand?
Closing Prayer
Father, Your ways may not always make sense to us but we thank You for Your constant guidance. Give us obedient hearts that always want to follow You. In Jesus’ name, amen.