Exodus 2:1-10
Verse 10 When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”
Our next story of God working in the big scheme of things as He works in the details happens in Egypt about 350 some years later. Things had changed quite a bit in those years and we find things looking rather bleak for God’s chosen people. They had gone from being refugees to being slaves. The situation had gotten so bad that the reigning pharaoh had said all Hebrew boys born needed to be killed.
It was into this world that God’s choice for leader of His people was born. The parents God had chosen for this special leader were not about to follow the rule of the land because they saw how it went against the God they worshiped. But by the time the child was 3 months old it became obvious they couldn’t keep him a secret. A seemingly crazy yet brilliant plan was put into play about setting the child afloat in a basket in the Nile with his sister watching from a slight distance.
Just when things seemed most disheartening, God stepped in with His amazing plan. The princess goes out for a bath in the Nile and found the baby in the basket. She can’t help but love the little guy and decided to adopt him. It was arranged for him to be weaned by his birth mother and then he went to live in the palace.
God had plans with Moses learning the life of the Egyptians and how they ruled. He learned the ins and outs of palace life and was protected from the fate of others his age. God needed him to know the pharaoh and how to speak to him because there would come a time when it was necessary for him to talk to him.
Sure there would have been things he could have learned as a slave but God had other plans for this adoptee. He had the opportunity to see the pain of slavery without the personal bitterness which he would likely have gained had he been the one living it. He also would have been able to see the various points of contention between the Egyptians and Hebrew people. It would also give him a deeper understanding of the gods of the Egyptian people which would allow God to reveal more about Himself.
Making It Personal
What are some things about your upbringing which have helped shape you into the person you are today? Are there things you learned which helped you know how not to be? How is God continuing to shape you?
Making It Personal Kids
What are some things you do with your family which help you learn more about God? Do you like learning about God? How can you learn more about Him on your own?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for teaching us all we need to know to serve You best. Help us seek Your teaching so we can do all You have planned for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.