Genesis 27:1-30
Verse 13 His mother said to him, “My son, let the curse fall on me. Just do what I say; go and get them for me.”
Sarai wasn’t the only mother who couldn’t wait for God to keep His word. And while Sarai had scientific reasons for why she was doubting, the daughter-in-law she never knew, couldn’t help but try to make God’s word come true through trickery. Both woman had been given a promise, one which would give a woman worth and the other a promise for the next generation. Both promises would bless future generations.
Before her twins were born, Rebekah was told the older would serve the younger. In a culture where the oldest was highly revered, this would have been something many women would have questioned. Some may have rejected this idea altogether, but instead, Rebekah takes her younger son, Jacob and favored him. It seems she may have even spoiled him a little, to the point where she made plans to make sure what God said about him would happen.
All parents want what would most benefit their child but how could a mother choose the benefits of one son over the other, especially when it went against the culture of the land? These twins couldn’t have been more different. One was a man of the outdoors and one was more domestic. One had gone and married two foreign women, the other was single and staying close to mom. One was hairy and one wasn’t, which meant Rebekah had to go to great lengths to make sure her husband fell for the ruse she was going to try to pull off.
We have to remember, it is quite likely that these sons were at least 40 years old. Jacob had already scored the birthright when Esau was willing to trade his inheritance for a bowl of stew and now Esau was going to lose the blessing because Rebekah had a plan to make sure what God had said about Jacob, would come true. She must have been planning this event for a while as she knew exactly what she was going to do to make Jacob seem like the hairy brother. And the more domestic brother must have felt strange wearing these skins against his bare skin. The plan worked but it did nothing for family relations. By not allowing God to do things His way and in His time, Rebekah drove a deeper wedge in her family and was excluded from being a further part of the Biblical narrative.
Making It Personal
Have you ever used deceptive means to make something happen that you wanted? How did that complicate the relationships surrounding the issue? How do you need to be honest today?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you ever pretended to act a certain way to get your way? Did you getting your own way cause problems for someone else? How can you be better about living a truthful life?
Closing Prayer
Father, we know You have our best interests at heart and yet we still fail to listen and wait upon You. Please give us the strength and wisdom to walk in truth no matter the consequences. In Jesus’ name, amen.