Psalm 117:1-2
Verse 1 Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples.
When we think of the word “praise” we often think of music and that makes sense since one of the greatest hymn writers of praise gave us the majority of the psalms. But did you realize that many of psalms are actually prayers? Some are prayers for help, others are prayers of repentance but many are songs of praise to God for all the amazing things He has done throughout history.
For David to write all those psalms of praise took knowing God and His works throughout the ages. The king after God’s own heart would often list the things the Father had done in the past. David didn’t wait until he was older to write praise but started when he was still a shepherd boy, possibly even singing as he watched the sheep as a way of soothing the sheep and reminding himself he wasn’t alone out in the pasture.
Young David knew what it was like to sit in the dark with dangers lurking in the shadows around him. He had faced large animals and yet they didn’t scare him witless because he had filled his life with praising God for all He had done for His people. Even as a child the future king understood God was in control and alone was worthy of all praise.
Because he knew this, he was purposeful about using praise as a way of helping others know the peace of God. The young David was called on for King Saul when the king God had rejected was struggling with a discouraging spirit. The younger man played his music for the king and knowing David’s form of music we can be sure he was bringing the peace of God into the room of the upset ruler.
Praising God can do the same thing for us. If we are feeling down or discouraged we should turn to God in praise. Whether we sing the praise or just pray it, whether in our heart or said out loud, no matter how we give praise to Him, He is going to receive it with joy if it is coming from a heart of humility and reverence.
Making It Personal
How natural is praise in your life? Do you have a favorite form of praise? What do you need to praise Him about today?
Making It Personal Kids
What do you think praise looks like? Do you like to praise Jesus? What do you praise Him about?
Closing Prayer
Father, we praise You for all You have done, are doing and will do. Give us hearts of praise so we can spread the news of who You are and make Your peace known in the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.