Exodus 12:33-42
Verse 37 That night the people of Israel left Rameses and started for Succoth. There were about 600,000 men, plus all the women and children.
The death of all the Egyptian firstborn – human and animal – was the final straw and Pharaoh was done trying to keep these people from leaving. The rest of the Egyptians seem to be afraid of what else could happen if the Israelites stayed or if they didn’t give them the things they asked for. Some of the things they were asking for may have seemed ridiculous for people going out into the wilderness but God had a special purpose for each item.
We have talked about the way the rulers of Egypt had feared being overtaken by the number of Israelites and when we see the number of people leaving Egypt with Moses, we can kind of understand the concern. About 600,000 men! Plus their families. This was a mass exodus for sure. Remember this was happening at night and as the Egyptians are wailing for their lost loved ones, the sound of that many people and their animals exiting the area would have made for a loud evening.
Verse 36 says that the Israelites “plundered” the Egyptians. This term of war was showing how God’s people were taking the spoils of war after He had done the waging of war. It wasn’t Moses or Aaron who had caused all those plagues to happen. It wasn’t them who had killed all of the firstborns. In fact the Israelites were obeying God to stay inside while the Passover was happening and that meant only God could have killed those people and animals. It was His war after all. He was wanting to bring His people back to Himself.
They made it 20 miles away and then baked the bread they had made without yeast. God had shown Himself faithful in so many ways the last months of their time in Egypt. He kept His promise of moving them out in 430 years and He did it to the very day. His faithfulness and timely extraction of His people was something the people would need to remember because things were not going to be easy from here on out and things would not always make sense to them.
We need to remember that He is always faithful even in the days we live in. And His timing is as perfect as it has always been. His ways and times don’t always make sense to us but they are always best for us.
Making It Personal
In what way has God unexpectantly led you out of a trial? How has He provided for you in unexpected ways? Do you expect an easy life because of following God?
Making It Personal Kids
Why does God need to fight your battles for you sometimes? Does His fighting for you mean you don’t have to do anything? How can you follow Him?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for fighting for us when it is for Your glory. Help us follow You in every way, no matter if it makes sense or not. In Jesus’ name, amen.