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Magnifiers and Microscopes

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Isaiah 55:1-13

Verse 9  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”


    Today we begin a new study to help us have a bigger and broader view of God.  It is so easy to have a small view of Him, even thinking He is so far away He doesn’t care about the details of our lives.  It is as if we want Him to be attending to our lives in a big way while we continue to see Him in a small way.  The problem is if we don’t view God for all that He is, we will have a life of small faith.  There are many examples in the Bible of people who looked at Him as big and we will be looking at what their faith can teach us.  As we see in our verse for the day His ways aren’t our ways nor His thoughts, ours.


    This passage of Scripture is labeled as Invitation to the Thirsty.  If we truly want to get to know God for who He is, we must seek Him in all of His glory and part of that is learning to see Him as the great God that He is.  We must increase our view of Him and that will include having an honest view of ourselves.  This isn’t to say we are to have a bad view of ourselves but we must understand who we are as humans and stop seeing ourselves as God.


    In verse 3 of this passage God calls His people to come to Him and listen to all He has to say.  In verse 6 He tells us to seek Him while He is near.  Both of these verses are God calling us to come to Him and come after Him.  He is wanting His people to desire to know Him and to want to be near Him.  Too often we say we are near to Him and are seeking Him but in truth we are satisfied with the relationship the way it is.


    So let’s start this journey of coming to know Him more, because when we know Him more we can magnify Him for others.  We need to come to know Him in the broadness of who He is as we also delve into the depth of who He is.  He hasn’t changed and so we can know He is just as big today as He was when He worked in the lives of Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, and so many more.  What is He wanting us to see about Him today?


Making It Personal

    Where do you see God in a big way?  Where do you see God in the details?  How important is seeking God to you?


Making It Personal Kids

    How do you know God is big?  What are some ways God shows you who He is?  Do you want to know Him better?


Closing Prayer

    Father, we are sorry that we don’t always see You for all of who You are.  Give us the desire to get to know You in an ever increasing way.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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