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Living Worship as Praise to God

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2  Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.


    Sacrifice.  A word that we don’t like to think about if it is referring to us but something we cherish in a person that is giving to or doing something for us.  It’s one of those words that sting a little bit.  But Paul is calling his readers in Rome to be a living sacrifice.


    Sacrifice is defined as surrendering something as an offering to God.  To surrender is to give up whatever is being offered fully and with no strings attached.  By adding the word living it is showing that this sacrifice isn’t a onetime deal.  It is something that is being constantly surrendered to God.


    Surrendering is something we often hear about in regards to the Christian life but do we ever take note of what that means?  Paul specifically mentions offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, but what does that mean?  How do we offer our bodies as living sacrifices?  We understand the need to give up our will so we can choose His.  We know that we need to give up certain types of habits and lifestyles that don’t reflect Him but what about our bodies?


    Our world tells us to be possessive of our bodies.  We hear that we are the owners of our bodies and therefore no one can tell us what to do with them.  But God wants more than just our wills, minds and actions; He wants our all, including our bodies.  So when the world says, “I’ll live how I want to live” or “you can’t tell me what to do” we, as Christians should be saying, “Father, how do you want us to live” and “what do You want me to do God?”  This is what it means to offer ourselves as living sacrifices.


Making It Personal

    Have you ever offered yourself – all of you – to God?  What part of your life is God asking you to sacrifice to Him?  Are you ready to surrender, no matter what it is He wants you to sacrifice?


Making It Personal Kids

    Have you ever had to give something away that you didn’t want to give up?  How did you feel?  What if God asked you to give up something you didn’t want to give up; do you love Him enough to give it anyway?


Closing Prayer

    Father God, how can we say we love You and then show by our selfish actions that we love ourselves more?  Please bring us to the place of surrender so that we can give what You are wanting us to sacrifice.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


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