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Listening Above the Din

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Genesis 16:1-5

Verse 2  …so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children.  Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.”  Abram agreed to what Sarai said.


    Yesterday we started talking about how we need to grow in how we allow God to control what is going on in our lives instead of trying to control them ourselves.  One of the most well-known Bible stories on the topic is how a couple who had been promised a child couldn’t wait for God to make it happen but took control and made it happen the way they found best.


    God had promised Abram before he left his homeland that He would make Abram a mighty nation, but after 10 years and still no children for the aging couple they figured the only way it was going to happen was for them to get the servant girl to give Abram a child.  Actually our text says it was Sarai’s idea and she approached Abram with the only remedy she could see for their problem.


    Sadly, just as in the Garden of Eden, the man was willing to give in to his wife’s idea of doubting God.  Neither of these men had a poor relationship with the Lord, in fact, it could be said they both had close relationships with Him.  But if their relationships were so good, why were they so willing to go along with doubting God and His word?


    There are times in life when we want something so badly, we are willing to listen to what others we are close to are saying, instead of what we know God has said.  One of the most important things we need to grow in is how we listen to God and take Him at His word and yet there are so many voices clamoring for our attention.  If we allow those clamoring voices to be our focus, it shows those voices are more important to us than He is.


    If we aren’t willing to listen to His teachings and let Him have lordship over our lives, we will be placing something or someone else in that position and all too often it will be ourselves that we are putting on the throne in our lives.  He doesn’t say, “Obey me unless you think there is something better that you can make happen.”  He commands us to obey Him even if we aren’t seeing Him do what He says in the time and way we think He should.


Making It Personal

    Are there people in your life who you listen to more than to the Lord?  What are some not-so-great choices have you made because of listening to others?  What do you need to listen to Him about today?


Making It Personal Kids

    Do you have people in your life who you listen to whatever they say no matter if it goes against Jesus?  Why is it easy to listen to them?  What do you need to listen only to Jesus about?


Closing Prayer

    Father, we confess that Your voice isn’t always the first voice we listen to.  Give us ears and hearts which desire to hear Your words above any other.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

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