Acts 2:42-47
Verse 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
We have already talked about the need of prayer for revival but the prayers we are talking about today are a different kind of prayer as it isn’t a prayer of repentance. The believers understood the need to meet together to bring certain requests to God. While we often pray for a person’s health, this wasn’t something which would have been at the top of their list. They were more used to the sick being healed when they were asked instead of just saying they would pray for the person.
So if their main focus wasn’t about those who were battling illness, what were their prayers about? They were likely praying for various things which had to do with the ministry they had been given to do. They understood how much communication is needed with the Lord when doing His work. When we have questions in our job we ask those above us and the same must be true about our need to understand the mission we are on.
Another of the things they were likely praying for was the preparing of the hearts of those they were to give the gospel to. Since they had experienced Jesus preparing them for the upcoming mission they knew the Holy Spirit was needed to prepare those they were going to preach to. Praying about it would also remind them they weren’t the ones bringing about salvation. It was their job to present the word of the Lord but it was the Holy Spirit’s job to awaken the hearts of the listeners. This would take some of the pressure off as they knew they couldn’t fail in their mission.
They may have been praying for safety as they knew from what they had seen with Jesus, the religious leaders of the time would do anything to stop the message of the resurrection and Jesus being the Messiah. This would also mean they would have been praying for strength and wisdom to carry the message to all who needed to hear.
Last, but definitely least, they were without a doubt praying prayers of praise. They were experiencing things they had not expected to go through and were in awe of the God of creation. They would have been praising Him for all He was doing in and through them but also the response which was more than they could have expected that first day. Sure Jesus had taught multitudes in their time together but to have 3000 join them in one day had to cause them to praise.
Making It Personal
What do your prayers focus on? How could praying for the same things the early Church did, help you grow spiritually? How could praying help your church family grow spiritually?
Making It Personal Kids
What kinds of things do you pray for? Do you only pray about things for yourself? What can you pray for someone today which will help them grow closer to Jesus?
Closing Prayer
Father, we repent that are prayers are often weaker than they should be. Give us wisdom about what we should pray for the building of Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.