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I May Need to Give Them Proof

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Exodus 4:1-9

Verse 1  Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?”


    Standing in the presence of the Holy One didn’t erase all of Moses’ doubt.  He was standing barefoot because the Lord had told him to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground and yet he faced the same issue Eve had in the Garden of Eden, doubt about God and what He was had said.  God knows He is going to have to prove Himself to Moses.


    Now, we need to remember that Moses had grown up in the Egyptian palace and that means he was probably familiar with the pharaoh’s magicians.  He had likely seen things which he couldn’t explain.  God was going to show him some things that were unexplainable without the magicians there to claim the power.  God had just told him He was I AM and seeing these displays of power would have confirmed it.


    The first example gives us a clear glimpse of the level Moses was trusting God.  In verse 3 we see Moses running from the serpent and yet in verse 4 he obeys God by picking it up.  His running from it may have had something to do with a fear of snakes or it could have just been him freaking out because his staff had just changed to a living thing but either way it is something that he was willing to pick up to obey the voice of the Lord.


    Next he was told to put his hand in his cloak and then withdraw it.  Seeing the skin disease would have been shocking for the man.  Seeing one of his hands suddenly white as snow would bring up many questions but while he stood there gaping at his hand the Lord tells him to put it back into his cloak and remove it again.  His hand looking normal the second time, was showing him how God has control even over a person’s physical being.


    The Lord makes it clear that Moses is to use these two things to show God’s power to Pharaoh but if it didn’t cause the man to believe God had sent Moses, he was to use a third sign.  Moses would have to trust God on this one because He wasn’t going to show Moses beforehand as He had just done with the other two.  God was needing Moses to be ready to trust Him when he couldn’t see Him.  Trusting God was something Moses would someday embrace as few have since.


Making It Personal

    When have you struggled to trust God to help you in a tough situation?  Why do you struggle to trust God in certain situations?  Where do you need to walk in faith of Him today?


Making It Personal Kids

    What does it mean to trust God?  Is it always easy to trust Him?  How can you prove you trust Him?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank You for always being trustworthy.  Give us hearts that always follow You, fully trusting You to show Yourself.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


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510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

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