Hebrews 6:1-3
Verse 2 …instruction about cleansing rites, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.
Another thing this author of Hebrews sees as a basic element was the laying on of hands. This may not be something we experience as often as they did in the early church as maybe they were doing more commissioning in those days as they started the Church and were spreading the word about Jesus. But there is a possibility we are just missing out on a way we could be living more intentionally into each other’s lives.
This isn’t a special formula to gain special powers. It isn’t some way of manipulating God in a person’s favor. In fact, it wasn’t about the person alone because we have to remember how everything we do affects the whole body of Christ. When we are truly living as the Church, our relationships will be such that when one of us is being prepared for a ministry, the rest of us know we have helped shape them into the one God wants to use for that position.
When we are invested in each other’s spiritual lives we will be more aware of what is going on in each other’s spiritual walk. We may notice how God has gifted them in a special way which will help them fill a need in the ministry. That ministry may be in the local church or community or it may be on the other side of the world.
When they would lay hands on someone it was a sign of seeing what God was doing in them and asking the Lord to give them everything they needed to do the job He was presenting to them. It wasn’t a moment meant to focus only on the one being commissioned, as the fellow believers were gathered around the person they would have been feeling the weight of the moment. As we can see in Paul’s letter to Timothy, sometimes while they were laying their hands on the person they would sense the Holy Spirit speaking and guiding them (1 Timothy 4:14).
All this shows how they weren’t focused on themselves. They weren’t going around asking to have hands laid on themselves but were instead looking at the possibilities for ministry and looking around to see who God had prepared to fulfill that need. This foundational knowledge was about seeing and acting upon the Holy Spirit’s work in the Church.
Making It Personal
Have you ever been a part of such an event? Why is it important to be aware of what God may be doing through us? Do you know how God is wanting to use you in His kingdom?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you ever seen a group of people lay hands and pray over someone? Do you know that Jesus wants to use you for something? How can you serve Jesus even at your age?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for calling us into ministry opportunities for You. Give us the wisdom and guidance needed to do all You want us to do. In Jesus’ name, amen.