Isaiah 6:5-8
Verse 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
The other day we talked about how Uzziah reacted when confronted about the truth of his sin and what God’s response was to his unrepentance. Yesterday we talked about how Isaiah saw the truth of himself when he saw how holy God is. Today we see what the response of a repentant man looks like.
When Isaiah saw his sin he confessed it and acknowledged that he lived among others that were also sinful. He wasn’t comparing himself with the others as a way of dismissing his own responsibility for his sin. Isaiah saw that his sin made him unworthy of being in God’s presence and in the bigger picture it made the land of Judah also unworthy of God’s presence. This knowledge is more than Isaiah can handle and stand for. And yet in the midst of this great unveiling of his sin, Isaiah understands the need for awe that God decided to reveal Himself to him.
What happens next is further awe inspiring for Isaiah as one of the heavenly beings comes and touches his lips with a hot coal from the altar. Remember this is still in the time of sacrifices and so Isaiah would have understood the significance of the altar representing the forgiveness of sin. “Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.”
But the story doesn’t end there. Isaiah response shows the truth of his repentance. Upon overhearing the Godhead talking about needing to send someone to speak to the sin of the nation, we see Isaiah speaking up and offering to go and asking to be sent. What was he offering to go and do? Not a cushy job of ease. The prophets of God were known to be rejected by the people, sometimes even beaten and killed. This is the job he was wanting God to give him. Remember that Isaiah had seen the sins of his people when he saw his own. He knew that for God’s presence and favor to be continuing with His people, the sin issue had to be addressed. Isaiah now knew the depth of his sin and he knew the power of forgiveness. He wanted the others to know that too, even if it meant danger to himself. Remember, he had already been a prophet for God, but now he was a prophet who had seen God in His fullness.
Making It Personal
We know Isaiah’s repentance was real because of his response, could the same be said of you? How do you feel about your sins? Do sins of others in the church cause you to hurt in your soul?
Making It Personal Kids
What is sin? Does God like sin? Should you live differently after telling Jesus we are sorry for your sin?
Closing Prayer
Father, we are a sinful people. How can You still love us? We thank You for Your love and sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. Father, please help us see sin as You see it and help us truly repent so that we want to serve You no matter the cost. In Jesus’ name, amen.