Genesis 1:1-10
Verse 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
There is no better place to start our look into the greatness of God than the beginning. Of course this wasn’t His beginning, He has no beginning – He always has been and always will be. He could have continued on without making a place where He could place the humans and creatures He was going to create, but He didn’t. It was His choice to make a place where beings He created could live and interact with other created beings, and most of all worship Him.
It wasn’t like He got out His modeling clay and started forming all the various pieces for this new thing He had imagined. No, He spoke every little detail of this new venture into being with the sound of His voice. This is one of those big things we need to be aware of about Him, without seeing His greatness at this point, nothing else could have happened.
The fact that He spoke everything into being, speaks volumes about His being God. Had He not had the title and position of Almighty God, the various atoms and molecules wouldn’t have had to listen to Him and form into what He commanded. It was because of His being the Almighty that each and every thing had to snap to attention and obey His call to order.
His speaking things into order wasn’t done with random thoughts, we can see in the sequence of His commands that He knew what each part of creation was going to need already in place before it came into being. He didn’t create the grass before dividing the land and water. He didn’t bring birds into being before making the trees for them to nest in. He did everything in precise detail.
He is still the same God and everything He does is still done with the exact same precision. He hasn’t removed His eyes from His creation, especially those who are His chosen ones. He isn’t too busy with any one portion of His creation to pay less attention to another piece of it. He is so big He is aware of every little detail of every corner of the universe. He isn’t merely watching this planet because He has at least the entire universe to attend to. That is how big our God is!
Making It Personal
What are some things in creation which bring you to complete awe of God? Does knowing He knows every detail about your life bring you comfort or fear? What is a detail He has worked out in your life that has caused you to look to Him in a new way?
Making It Personal Kids
What is something in creation which makes you say, “Wow?” What does knowing God is Almighty mean to you? Do you want to know Him more?
Closing Prayer
Father, we stand in awe of You. Give us an ever-growing appreciation for how the various things in Your creation point to You and Your being the one and only Almighty One. In Jesus’ name, amen.