John 14:15-18
Verse 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
When parents of young children make out their last will and testament they make provisions for the upbringing of their children by choosing a person or people to raise them. When Jesus was leaving the earth, He also made provisions. Yesterday we were talking about how God took care of us by never leaving or forsaking us. Today we look at the One He sent for us and how this provision should bring us great joy and result in worship.
Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Comforter. Why would they need a comforter? They had been walking with Jesus daily for 3 years and He knew that His leaving would have them feeling deserted. He wanted them to know that He wasn’t deserting them. Those 7-10 days between Jesus ascending and the coming of the Holy Spirit must have been some of the most uncertain days of their lives. Notice they didn’t just sit around. They went back to Jerusalem as He had instructed them.
What do you suppose they were doing? Imagine them sitting together, maybe as many as 120 of them at times, reminiscing about what had happened in their lives the last 3 years. Maybe telling funny stories about things that had happened and other such “remember when…” stories. Maybe even Mary telling baby stories. There could have been discussions about times they missed what He was talking about but that they now understood. All of these discussions would have led to worship in its purest form. They also spent time praying. Can you imagine those prayer meetings?! Worship and prayer are ways that the early church drew close to God and to each other.
It was during that time of togetherness that God sent His Spirit into His people. And it was instantly obvious that this wasn’t just for them. To the amazement of all, they started talking in all the languages of those present in Jerusalem. Since it was a festival time there were many people there. In fact Acts 2 lists at least 15 different people groups represented! The Gospel was given in 15 different languages at once and 3000 became believers that day! Now that was a worship service! The promised gift had arrived. The Holy Spirit was poured out on His people and He is in us too.
Making It Personal
Have you ever been in a gathering of believers where you could feel the presence of God’s Spirit in a mighty way? When in your life have you spent time waiting on God and extended times of prayer? What effect did it have on your life?
Making It Personal Kids
Isn’t it great having a friend with us? We miss them when they aren’t with us, don’t we? But Jesus knew that we would need a friend with us all the time and He wants us to have the Holy Spirit as that friend; isn’t that great?
Closing Prayer
Father, how can we ever thank You enough for wanting us to have Your Spirit in us to guide us and comfort us. Father, You are the greatest gift giver. In Jesus’ name, amen.