Psalm 120
Verse 7 I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.
Today we begin the second week of advent. This week we will be looking at peace. Peace is something most people want and yet many don’t understand what it really is. Just as with hope there are many false types of peace which claim to be the real thing. The kind of peace we seek can often determine if we will find it or not.
Many people say they want peace but do they really understand what that is or what it may mean? Generally they don’t mean that they are wanting the Prince of Peace. This whole season of Christmas is about Jesus and the peace we can have through relationship with Him. His peace isn’t about making everyone love each other, but knowing and loving Him. Not that He doesn’t want us to love each other but He knows we can’t truly love one another if we don’t first love Him.
If we are to expect peace with others we need to seek Christ and love Him so we can learn to love others. One reason we need to seek peace with Him first is because seeking Him will cause us to examine HIs grace. Only by accepting His grace can we begin to offer grace to others and grace will help us move forward with finding peace with others.
Granting others grace comes from our understanding that not everything has to be done as we expect it to. We don’t always do things the way God would have us do them, but He doesn’t throw us to the curb. It isn’t that He gives up, thinking we will never do what He has commanded, just that He knows we aren’t perfect. By being honest with ourselves that others aren’t always going to do things the way we think they will, we should treat them with the grace we desire from the Father.
We will do well to think honestly about what we want when we think of peace. Is it that we want everyone to get along with us in the way we want or is it about learning to get along with them where they are? And is that all peace is about?
Making It Personal
What kind of peace do you expect? Do you try to live in peace with others or just hope they want to live in peace with you? What is the peace level in your relationship with Jesus?
Making It Personal Kids
How would you describe peace? Do you have peace with Jesus? Do you have peace with others?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for Your grace and the peace we can have with You through it. Please help us learn to give grace to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.