Genesis 42:1-17
Verse 8 Although Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him.
This passage takes us on a time hop forward from our reading yesterday. The 7 good years had been busy as there was so much to do making sure everything was being put in the proper storage. The famine was widespread and it was soon causing Jacob and his family to need help. Jacob was getting up there in age and yet knew his children and grandchildren needed sustenance.
We find Joseph busy with overseeing the food pantry of all he had managed to store up. Life was busy with two young boys and a young marriage. Being second in command would have also had its challenges, especially because of the famine affecting so much of the world and coming to Egypt for help. This was quite a responsibility for someone around 37 years of age.
Meanwhile in the land of Canaan, Jacob was about to send his sons to get the needed food in Egypt. The older man had no clue what was going to happen to them. He didn’t know if he would see them again or even if his sending them away meant his grandchildren would lose the men who would someday lead the tribe. He also knew that if they didn’t go, there would be no future for the family. But his love for Benjamin wouldn’t allow him to send him with the older sons.
Seeing his brothers after 20 years may have been a shock and yet he didn’t let them know he knew. While they were bowing before him, Joseph couldn’t help but think of the dreams he had hade as a teenager. Instead of pointing out who he was, he decided to mess with them a little. He wasn’t doing it in a vengeful sort of way, but was wanting to see the brother who was still quite young.
Spending three days in the prison would have given these men some things to think about. Having been accused of being spies they have been thinking about how they could get out from under that charge. They may have also been thinking about their dad, wives and families sitting at home awaiting the food which they knew was needed. There was nothing they could do but sit and wait.
Seeing his dreams come true must have made Joseph feel even closer to God. And even though his brothers had treated him badly, he treated them in a much kinder way than they had treated him all those years before. He wasn’t living as part of the covenant family unit, but he was still in understanding of the Lord and His ways.
Making It Personal
When have you had contact with someone who hurt you in the past? How did you handle the interaction? How does dealing with forgiveness for that person help you relate to God’s forgiveness of you?
Making It Personal Kids
Is it hard seeing someone who has made you mad? How does Jesus want you to treat them? How does Jesus treat you after you have done something which hurts Him?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for Your forgiveness. Give us hearts which long for reconciliation. In Jesus’ name, amen.