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Caring through Sharing

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Romans 12:9-13

Verse 13  Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.  Practice hospitality.


    When Paul wrote the words of our verse for the day, he likely had many memories run through his mind of times when he had either been on the receiving end or witnessed it happening with others.  This is something the early Church was known for and one of the reasons it flourished.  The people saw themselves as a large family and took care of each other, no matter what.


    This wasn’t some kind of socialistic, welfare set up, it was merely making sure everyone had everything they needed.  It wasn’t about dividing up their possessions equally, those who had much shared with those who had little, not giving them things which helped them live a life of leisure but more like supplying something to eat when needed.


    Paul had also experienced the kindness of believers allowing him to stay with them as he traveled about sharing the Gospel.  It was their way of helping the truth about Jesus go forth into the world.  Not everyone had the gift of preaching or teaching but they had a place they could open up for meetings or housing.


    This is the type of verse the world would like to use against Christians.  While Paul was talking to the believers, the world sees this as what the church should be doing in society and though we are to care for those in the world around us, we need to understand this verse is going deeper than the financial or possessions angle the world is generally focused on.


    Sometimes the way we are in need can’t be fixed by throwing money or things at it.  Programs can never replace the personal impact we can have on one another when we are there to help others through the rough patches of life.  When we find ourselves down in the dumps, the best medicine is a Christian friend to listen and speak truth if needed.  If we are struggling with a spiritual problem we shouldn’t turn to the world for the needed support, we should turn to one another.  Whether we are sharing our possessions or our wisdom, to show our love for God, we must always be ready to provide what our fellow Christians need.


Making It Personal

    When have you been helped by a fellow Christian?  Have you ever helped a fellow Christian?  How willing are you to allow others to help you?


Making It Personal Kids

    Has another person who loves Jesus ever helped you with something?  Have you ever helped another Christian?  Who could use help today?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank You for making us a family and fitting us to help each other in Your name.  Give us all we need to help each other in our various needs.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


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