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Breath of Life

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Genesis 1:26-27

Verse 26  Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”


    One of the most amazing things God created was the thing He chose to put His image on.  Just think about it, of all the things He created, and there were many creatures He created, He wanted something which He could relate with.  The God of the universe who had many created beings already in His presence, wanted to create a being who would reflect Himself.


    While He had used His words to speak everything else into existence, He chose to mold this part of His creation with His own hands.  God created a watering system to care for all the plant life He had created and that was perfect for forming the dust into a person.  Knowing how intricate God has made us in every part of our being, it is hard to imagine God shaping Adam out of the moist ground.  We can imagine Him rolling a clump into a ball for the head, scraping out eye sockets and forming the nose, mouth and ears.  He paid so much attention to every detail.


    It wasn’t just the exterior of the man which was being molded.  God had created all of the organs which would go on the inside.  And remember, this wasn’t creating a mere toy human, God had lovingly shaped and formed this full-size man.  When He had finished His masterpiece, He breathed His breath into the man’s nostrils bringing Him to life.  This breath of life wasn’t necessarily the mere breath to exchange oxygen and carbon monoxide, God was breathing life from an eternal place.  This life God was breathing into the man, and soon thereafter the woman, was more about His placing them in a position of relationship with.


    God had spoken life into the other living and breathing things of creation but He wasn’t looking to have a relationship with them.  Since we know God had chosen us since before the world began (Ephesians 1:4), we can know that His breathing life into the man and woman included His desire to have relationship with us.  God’s love for His people is so big that He gave of Himself to open the path of communication.  He formed each of us just as lovingly while we were in the womb, He doesn’t make mistakes.


Making It Personal

    What does it mean to you that God created you as you are for a purpose?  Do you enjoy a relationship with Him?  How can you better engage with the Lord today?


Making It Personal Kids

    What do you think a relationship with God looks like?  Do you have that kind of relationship with Him?  What could improve your relationship?


Closing Prayer

    Father, it is with awe that we think about how You breathed life into Adam and made us for relationship with You.  Please give us the desire to have a great relationship with You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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East Martin Christian Reformed Church

510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

© 2017 East Martin CRC

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