Genesis 41:41-52
Verse 49 Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.
Now that Joseph has been placed in charge to oversee the events foretold in Pharaoh’s dreams, he takes no time putting things into place to store the resources the Lord had said He would provide. This wasn’t business as usual when it came to the harvest of the first 7 years. This abundance could only be explained by God’s gracious abundance.
God could have sent the abundance without the warning of the coming 7 years of famine. He was under no obligation to tell humans about what He was up to, especially to a people who didn’t worship Him. But our God is so loving and gracious, He was making it so His chosen people would be cared for during the famine by His working through one of their own.
Notice that Joseph didn’t just sit in an office somewhere overseeing the books, this man who had been raised among a farm community, was placed in a position where he knew what to look for and how best to store it so it would last the longest. God hadn’t randomly chosen Joseph, he was specifically chosen him for this task.
Though his grandfather, father and he had been born later in their parent’s lives, those delayed starts to family life put Joseph in the perfect place at the perfect time. It also made him the perfect age to start a family before the famine began. No, his wife wasn’t from a part of God’s chosen people, but she was the one for Joseph and from the names given to the two sons, God was not left out of their birth and upbringing.
As Joseph traveled around the nation observing the storing process he was able to become more familiar with the various regions which would come in handy in the coming years when he prepared to move his family there from the Promised Land. God had His hand in every one of the details needed to guide and protect His chosen people through this time of natural disaster. He works in the details of our lives too, something we should all be thankful for.
Making It Personal
When have you noticed Him working in the details of your life? How have you learned to trust Him with the details of your life? Where do you need to trust Him with the details today?
Making It Personal Kids
What are some details God works out in your life? Can you think of a specific time God did something amazing you didn’t see coming? How can you learn to trust Him to work out the details in your life?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for paying attention to every detail in our lives. Help us learn to trust You and follow Your leading in our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.