Ephesians 4:25-28
Verse 27 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.
We talked yesterday about the kind of work ethic we are to have and today we follow Paul into seeing what we need to do about the financial gain we make when working hard.
Society tells us to get a better education so you can make more money, the focus of course on the future growth of income. They also make sure we understand what we are to do with these good wages, we are to buy bigger and better. And if you really want to do well, you should marry someone who is also pushing forward in their material gain. This will ensure even bigger and better things.
While it is easy to get caught up in the desire for bigger and better, we need to remember that as Christians we are not to be living for self. This eternal resolution may take more prayer and change of heart and mind than some of the others but it is also very important to the whole of the body of Christ. This principle takes intentionality in looking away from self and setting our focus on God's business.
This isn't just about giving more to the mission or benevolent funds, although it is very mindful of both. This is about not using our resources - money as well as time and energy - solely for our own selfish purposes. What God blesses us with, we should use for His glory which includes blessing others.
Sometimes this blessing others will come in the way of providing for a need that comes into the lives of those around us or maybe those God brings to cross our path for the very reason of blessing them. It may even feel like God is asking us to give something that doesn't make sense at the time. But if we know it is God putting the idea on our heart, we can be sure that we will be blessed through our obedience.
When we understand that all we have is really His, it is easier to use it for His purposes. And after all He has given us, how can we deny obeying Him in its use?
Making It Personal
How has God blessed you? How have you used His blessings to bless others? How could you do better about helping others?
Making It Personal Kids
What are some ways that Jesus blesses you? Are there things you could do to help others? Who can you help today?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for all the ways You bless us. Help us see the ways that You provide for us so that we can provide for others and keep us from the selfishness that too often prevents us from passing on Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, amen.